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Josh White is the Lead Pastor of Door of Hope Church in Portland, Oregon. Josh is part of the LOVE ABQ: PASTORS & LEADERS CONFERENCE, and the RE: NEW GATHERING coming to Albuquerque on Thursday, February 27, 2020. The Luis Palau Association is coordinating LOVE ABQ events. Pastor Josh shares his experience of seeing God unify community Churches, open new doors for outreach, and mobilize believers to serve.  Registration for the LOVE ABQ PASTORS & LEADERS CONFERENCE and the RE: NEW GATHERING is FREE at  https://www.loveabq.com/.

Kenny Vigil is the Program Director for the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program offered through the New Mexico Department of Health. Ryan Sanchez is a Health Educator with the program. They invite our listeners who have been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) to join the YMCA Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program for FREE (SAVE $75) through February 28th. We talk about the importance of nutrition and exercise. Almost 80 million adults have high blood pressure in the United States. Less than 50% of these individuals have their blood pressure under control. To register for the program email bloodpressureymca@gmail.com or call Lynn Umbreit at (505) 595-1515. Ryan Sanchez can be reached by email at Ryan.Sanchez@state.nm.us. Kenny is available by email at KennyC.Vigil@state.nm.us.

Our Nourished Nutrition Counselor, Jennifer Bryant, called into the show to share about her experience teaching nutrition in the program. She also emailed us the following links to a couple of “heart-healthy” New Mexican Food recipes.

https://nourishednutritioncounseling.com/sweet-and-spicy-fish-tacos/                             https://nourishednutritioncounseling.com/black-bean-and-green-chile-salsa/

Jesse Lusko, Pastor of Calvary Westside, pours out his heart for children, and the broken-hearted.  He describes his life as a “horror story” and a “glory story” simultaneously. We talk about everything from his battle with depression to his joy, giving children gift boxes in Peru with Operation Christmas Child. The following quote is just one of many encouraging things he said during our hour together, “If you compare yourself to those who have more, you will always feel poor. If you share with those who have less than you, you will always feel rich!”  For podcasts of Jesse’s teaching ministry go to https://www.jesselusko.com/. Calvary Church Westside is located at 6051 Winter Haven Rd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87120. Phone:  505.338.3720. Go to http://www.calvaryabq.org/ and click on “Westside” for service times.

Ray Mondragon is a teacher with the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico, and Chafer Theological Seminary. Ray takes us through his interpretation of the first 3 verses of Genesis 1 and the science they describe. Ray has additional educational creation science resources available on his website http://forhisglorynm.com/.

Mike Riddle is the Founder and President of the Creation Training Initiative. He is an Apologist and Education Specialist. He visits with us over the phone today about the “Contending for the Faith Week” being held in Albuquerque from February 16-22, 2020. Mike works to help Christians share and defend the Gospel, answer challenges to God’s Word, and refute the so-called scientific claims of evolutionists. For information about the classes offered during Contending for the Faith Week here in Albuquerque see the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico website at http://csfnm.org/.  The Creation Training Initiative website is full of free videos https://www.creationtraining.org/.

Holly Slade is a businesswoman and the Founder of Feed New Mexico Kids. Dr. Niki Wolff with Wolff Family Chiropractic in Los Lunas joins the program by phone today to share with our listeners about how she has worked with Holly and Feed New Mexico to start meeting the hunger needs of children in the Valencia County Schools.   If you are interested in helping Feed New Mexico Kids with food and financial donations go to https://feednmkids.com/. Contact Dr. Niki Wolff by phone at 505-866-1226 or on the Wolff Family Chiropractic website http://www.wolfffamilychiro.com/.

Kevin Palau is the President of the Luis Palau Association. He is the keynote speaker for the LOVE ABQ Pastors & Leaders Conference on February 27th. The Conference is FREE for all church leaders to attend. It will be held at North Church, 4700 San Mateo Blvd. NE in Albuquerque from 8:30 am to 1 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Please register for FREE at  https://www.loveabq.com/.  Kevin also invites our listeners to attend the RE:NEW Gathering on the evening of February 27th at Sagebrush Church. Jesus Culture with Chris Quilala will be leading worship. Pastor Josh White will be sharing a message of unity, inspiration, and prayer for Albuquerque. FREE Tickets for the RE:NEW Gathering are available online https://www.loveabq.com/.  The LOVE ABQ Pastors & Leaders Conference and the RE:NEW Gathering is part of the Luis Palau Association’s vision to unite the church, and impact cities like Albuquerque worldwide!

Paul Gessing is the President of the Rio Grande Foundation. He shares his ideas today about a “Tax Payer’s Bill of Rights” for New Mexico, and he updates us on the 54th New Mexico Legislative Session. We talk about Pension reform with PERA,  and the battle between government employee unions, and those who believe people should be able to choose whether or not they want to join a union. For more information about the issues affecting all New Mexicans go to  https://riograndefoundation.org/.

Rhiannon is the Executive Director of Viante of New Mexico. She shares with us today how the 2020 New Mexico Legislative Session is progressing, and her work in the process. She attends legislative committee meetings, reads proposed legislation and scores our representatives on how they vote on bills designed to improve education, reduce crime, and improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans. Her goal is to provide this information to voters (that is us!)  Visit https://viantenm.org/ for more information.

Cody Byrne, his wife Chantel, and their children left Albuquerque back in August of 2019 to plan and plant Tribes Church in Perth, Australia. Cody shares the challenges and joys of moving back to Perth where he was born after living in America since he was 3 years old. For more information about Tribes Church go to https://www.tribesaustralia.com/.