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Legacy Church, Calvary Church, Awaken Church, and Convoy of Hope are working together to feed people during October. This weekend October 10-11, Legacy Church Central Campus at 7201 Central Avenue, Albuquerque, NM  87121, will be distributing food boxes containing fresh meat, produce, and dairy. See the Legacy Church website at https://www.legacychurchnm.com/ for details.  Dustin King is the Ministry Coordinator for Feed NM Kids and the Homeless Outreach for Legacy Church. Pastor Matt Moffett is the Community Liaison for Calvary Church.

Please keep these date in mind if you can pick up food for a family in need or you would like to pick up food for your own family:

October 17-18: Food Distribution at the Rehoboth Christian School parking lot, 7 Tse Yaniichii Lane, Rehoboth, NM  87322.

October 24-25: Food Distribution at Awaken Church, 541 Quantum Rd. NE, Suite B, Rio Rancho, NM 87124.

October 31-32: Food Distribution at Calvary Church Westside, 6051 Winter Haven Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM  87120.

Click on the links for details.

The Bair Foundation provides Christ-centered quality care and services dedicated to the treatment, restoration, and empowerment of children, youth, and families. Foster Parent Recruiting Manager, Chase Wixon, describes the great need we have in this country for foster parents. More information is available at https://www.bair.org/. If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent, please contact Chase Wixon at cwixon@bair.org or give him a call at 505-888-1362.

“The lastest take away for investors this week is that the markets don’t care as much about the political headlines as you might think,” according to Brian Cochran. He is a Certified Financial Planner with John Moore Associates. Follow this link, “https://www.johnmoore.com/insights/” for more information on the financial markets.

Towns Shop is a locally-owned full-service hair salon open for business at 1115 Central Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM  87102. Co-Owners Bree Barela and Brittney Moreno love their customers. “The business we have made is one that is so special to us because not only are we caring for our clients, but we are networking with other business owners. We love relationships. It is all about relationships for us!”

To book an appointment, call 505-433-5861 or on the web at https://townsshop.co/.

Fran and Murray Byrne have been married for 32 years. They open up about their marriage to show us how they continue to grow and build on their relationship. Fran said, “No matter how many things have gone on in your marriage, there is always hope because God can change it around!”  Fran and Murray will be working with couples at the Parenting and Marriage Enrichment Workshop coming up Friday, October 9, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and Saturday, October 10, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm at Calvary Church, 4001 Osuna Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM  87109. Sign-up by following this link: https://calvarynm.church/connect/events/event/?event_id=3689.

Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico Executive Director, Vince Torres says, “Science is now catching up to what the scripture has long told us about when life begins. More people than ever before are now identifying as pro-life.”  The Family Policy Alliance has many resources available to help people prepare to vote!  For more information, go to https://familypolicyalliance.com/.

Vince discusses the following topics on today’s show:  politics, right to life issues, parental, rights, education, and threats to our religious freedoms.


If you are looking for a new school for your children, take a close look at the Legacy Academy “Silverbacks.” Legacy Church Assistant Pastor, Daniel McCabe, discusses the “Biblical world view” approach and the commitment to excellence in education to be found at the Legacy Academy. Click on the links for more information.

Ali Ennenga, Candidate for District 15, New Mexico House of Representatives, shares her ideas about how New Mexico Public Schools can improve education for our children. Ali is a former elementary and middle school teacher, and she holds a master’s degree in education. According the 2019 Kids Count Data Book, released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, New Mexico currently ranks #50 in the United States for child well being and education. For more information about Ali and her ideas, go to https://alifornm.com/platform/.