Lisa Anderson is director of young adults for Focus on the Family, the world’s leading Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive. She manages Boundless, Focus’ ministry for young adults, with the goal of helping 20- and 30-somethings grow up, own their faith, date with...

John Jones is the President and CEO of LifeQuest USA. The ministry is mentoring a future and a hope to help New Mexico youth overcome their past challenges and build resilience for the future. John is a man that God grew even through drug and...

Lindsay Warner and Lauren Maddock are Co-Artistic Directors of Christmas Joy, a production presented by Magnify Dance Ensemble Christmas Joy Celebrates the Birth of Jesus expressed in ballet form. The show is a beautiful, emotional, and spiritually uplifting experience. Three shows are offered this year...

Karen Lafferty is a musician and musical director working with the Santa Fe chapter of YWAM (Youth With A Mission)- an organization training young people to minister the gospel to their peers. She joins us to discuss an upcoming YWAM music event....