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New Mexico Dream Center Executive Director, Shelley Repp, opens our eyes today to the problem of minor domestic sex trafficking. She says, “It should shock everyone. I want people to be awakened about what is happening in our streets.” Contact Shelley through the New Mexico Dream Center website at https://www.nmdreamcenter.org/.

Please review these additional resources:


https://www.xxxchurch.com/      https://rescuefreedom.org/refusetoclick/ https://fightthenewdrug.org/#the-issue


Dr. Judith Reisman http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/2011/02/pornography_add.html, https://salvomag.com/article/salvo26/the-porn-factor




Kevin and Laura Stark have traveled around the world in over 85 countries, creatively sharing their faith in Jesus.  Their Team Xtreme International Ministry grabs the attention of crowds as they bend steel bars like Superman. They smash bricks and tear phone books in half to the beat of intense music, and lots more! Team Xtreme International now has over 20 teams of Xtreme athletes, conditioning experts, rappers, and martial artists, sharing the gospel with this high-intensity entertaining presentation. For more information, click on https://www.teamxtremeintl.com/.

Parchments Bookstore is open on the campus of Calvary Church. Store Manager, Daniel Aragon, and Customer Service team member, Brian Parks, invite us to come into the store to see a complete selection of gifts, cards, and books for people of all ages. Parchments is just one part of the peaceful, enjoyable experience you will find daily on the Calvary Church Campus.  Calvary Church and Parchments Book Store are located at 4001 Osuna Rd., NE, Albuquerque, NM  87109.  For more information, click on the links!

The ABQ  God’s Talent search finals are Friday evening, July 10, 2020, at 7:00 pm, Hoffmantown Church. The event is FREE!  ABQ God’s Talent search is a talent show for mid-high through high school musicians. Terry and Mariasari Janow started the contest as a fun way to spotlight gifted and talented young singers and musicians.  13 artists will be featured in the finals this year. The show will include a variety of instrumental and vocals.  The winners will receive prizes. Bring the whole family to this free event Friday, July 10, 2020, at 7 pm at Hoffmantown Church, 8888 Harper Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM  87111. For more information, click on the links. https://abqgodstalent.com/

The event is sponsored by Hoffmantown Church,  Janow Academy of Music, and Hope Christian School. Several local businesses are also sponsoring the event.

The Bible is a historically accurate description of events, places, and people that God our Creator has put into place. According to Ray Mondragon, “The sciences point us to the things we can learn from scripture.”  Ray is a retired civil engineer. He holds a Masters in Theology and a PhD. in Biblical Studies. Creation Science is one of his favorite topics he uses to encourage Christians in their faith.  For additional resources available from Ray, go to http://forhisglorynm.com/.

Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico meets the third Tuesday of every month. Ray will be teaching at their next meeting on July 21, 2020, Faith Bible Church, 9600 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123.  These meetings are free to the public. Ray invites anyone that wants to learn about or discuss the origins of creation to attend these free classes.

We are talking about PORNOGRAPHY ADDICTION with Calvary Church Westside Pastor Jesse Lusko. If pornography is harming your life today, you can escape the addiction now.  Listen to the compassionate council from Jesse Lusko today. “The cure for addiction is a meaningful connection to other people.” Pornography promises excitement and ecstasy, but Jesse says, “Sin steals from you the very thing it promised you.” Jesse refers to James 5:16 today as a place to start if you want to get away from an addiction of any kind.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. James 5:16 NASB: 1995 update.

You can’t do it by yourself!  He also points to a website called “Fight the New Drug” that may help you with understanding the physical and mental effects of pornography.

Tilt: Finding Christ in Culture is a new book by Brian C. Nixon. Brian oversees education and publishing for Calvary Church in Albuquerque, and he is an accomplished musician, artist, journalist, and author.  Reading Tilt has stimulated me to take a different look at art and culture. This past weekend I took a tour of the mural art that decorates buildings throughout Albuquerque’s downtown area. It is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy Albuquerque safely.  The murals will amaze you, and looking is FREE! For information about mural art in Albuquerque, see https://murosabq.com/.  Brian Book, Tilt: Finding Christ in Culture” is available now!

Ernie C’de Baca is the CEO and President of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce. Today he explains the “financial burden” the City Council’s proposed “Sick Leave Bill” would be on small business. Ernie emphasis that Albuquerque and New Mexico need to develop a reputation for supporting small business to help grow our economy.

The Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce is is an organization focused on improving education and economic development opportunities in Albuquerque and throughout the state of New Mexico. For information about how they can help you and your business, click on the links.

It has been 244 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In 1776 these words gave hope to slaves and free men alike: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.”

It took 89 years, and civil war before slavery was finally ended with the signing of the 13th amendment to the constitution on January 31, 1865. “Black Lives Matter” is a movement expressing the fear and frustration Black citizens of this country continue to experience since the days of slavery. The time is now for a courageous Biblical response from white Christians to listen, learn, and act to change our culture.

These are additional resources on the topic: June 7, 2020 Interview with Pastor Skip Heitzig, Calvary Church, Albuquerque, and Pastor Tony Clark, Calvary Newport News, Virginia.  Tony said,” “I keep telling folks, they keep talking about skin when its really about sin.” Click here for The Church and Racism.


Miles McPherson Pastor of Rock Church in San Diego

The Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Nation, offers guidance on this issue, by identifying the cultural influences that shape our attitudes on race, and explaining why we must honor the priceless value of God’s image in all people.




Have you ever thought about wearing medieval knights armor and swinging a sword in battle?  Aaron Netzer, Captain of the Albuquerque Jackals Armored Combat team, tells us about the sport.  Armored Combat Worldwide is an organization that has established a competitive league of “real knights, and real fights.” If you are a man or woman over 18, visit the group to work out and try on some armor. For more information, go to the Facebook page for Albuquerque Jackals Armored Combat Team.