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Britton Pruitt is the Director of Development for Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home (ACCH). They have their annual pancake breakfast fundraiser coming up on February 22, 2020, from 8:00, am to 11:00 am. ACCH is located at 5700 Winter Haven NW, Albuquerque, NM  87120. For more information go to http://acch4kids.org/.

Alicia and Quincy Gonzales invite our listeners into their home for a “Watch Party.”  The Gonzales family is part of the Elevation Church.  Each Sunday at 3:00 pm they have people into their home to worship and listen to a sermon by Pastor Steven Furtick and others. Alicia and Quincy have a servant’s heart. They hope to encourage people who have a church home currently, and those who may never attend a traditional church but they may accept an invitation to their home. For more information see elevationchurch.online.

John Sandager and Rabbi Robert Lennick share with us the importance of interfaith dialogue and collaboration in this time of intense polarization in America. Rabbi Rob is the Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of New Mexico. John Sandager is an attorney and the Executive Director of Bible Mission Global. It was interesting to hear Rabbi Lennick explain the Jewish perspective on the “Messiah.” John Sandager is a Christian man with a commitment to supporting the Jewish Community and Israel. Together these friends are working to help people understand antisemitism and prejudice in our country. There is currently a bill before the New Mexico House of Representatives, HB-265a, which is directed at criminalizing domestic terrorism. For information about this bill see https://nmlegis.gov/. For more information about the Jewish Federation of New Mexico go to https://jewishnewmexico.org/.  For information about Bible Mission Global go to https://biblemissionglobal.org/about-us/.

Speaker, Columnist, and Author Jackie Gingrich Cushman tell us, “Finding common ground is the only way to save our nation.” She is the author of “Our Broken America, Why Both Sides Need to Stop Ranting and Start Listening!” Jackie has lived American Politics her entire life. She is the daughter of Newt Gingrich, 50th Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. He was the US Representative for Georgia’s 6th congressional district for 20 years until his resignation in 1999. Jackie presents a simple (courageous) solution to the political polarization of America.  She believes the American people can find common ground in Washington, and in our state and local governments.  Jackie is also the author of “Five Principles for a Successful Life: From our Family to Yours,” and “The Essential American.” Her books are available on her website http://www.jackiecushman.com/.

Dr. Brian Nixon is in the studio today to talk about how God has worked through “flawed” people throughout history to accomplish great things! Brian is an Assistant Pastor and Director of Education and Publishing with Calvary Albuquerque. Note Brian’s explanation of how God works through His Perfect Will, His Prescribed Will, and His Permissive Will.

Shelley Repp, and Anthony Maez join Jim in the studio to talk about the fight against Minor Domestic Sex Trafficking. Shelley is the Executive Director of the NM Dream Center. Anthony is the Special Agent In Charge: State Attorney General’s Office. Please visit the New Mexico Attorney General’s website at https://nmga.gov for more information.

Jennifer Bryant shares her views on how the Bible directs her Nourished Nutrition Counseling Program. She is writing a new book called, “The Nourished Road,  8 Weeks of Food and Faith to Fuel Your Health.” Have some fun on her website, https://nourishednutritioncounseling.com/; download free recipes and register for her newsletter

Dwain Kindleberger is the Co-Owner of Designer Bodies with his wife Doris. He is also a  Personal Trainor, Nutritionist, and Wellness Coach. Find Designer Bodies World-Class Gym at https://www.designerbodies.com/. Daniel Villava is a member of the Designer Bodies World-Class Gym. He started working out at the gym when he weighed over 330 lbs. After some time working out with Dwain as his personal trainer and mentor, he now weighs 215 lbs!

Vince Torres joins us on the phone to give us his take on the progress of the 2020 New Mexico Legislative Session. He is the Executive Director of the Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico, https://familypolicyalliance.com/newmexico/, Vince thanks our legislators for their hard work, and gives us a more human perspective on our politicians and the comradery they share working closely together during the session.  The legalization of marijuana and the fight to save our children from late-term abortions are just a few of the Family Policy Issues Vince talks about on the program today.

Matthew Ellison and Jeff Lewis offer our listeners a clear biblical perspective on the ministry of “missions” in the church. Matthew Ellison is an Author, Missions Coach, and  Chief Ministry Officer with Sixteen: Fifteen https://1615.org/. Jeff Lewis is the Discipleship Director with Radical Ministry https://radical.net/.