Drew & Dara Hoey
Drew and Dara Hoey of Great Commission Alliance join us to discuss their work training Christians to evangelize effectively. They give tips to Christi...
Discipleship Faith MinistryFAITH ● COMMUNITY ● CONVERSATION
Live, local, and focused on the issues that affect those in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico. Tune in weekdays from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on 88.3 FM or check out the ABQ Connect Podcast for conversations with newsmakers, authors, and experts on a variety of topics.
As the host of ABQ Connect, Steve hopes to engage and connect people through discussions about both controversial and lighthearted topics from a Biblical worldview.
There is a lot going on in this city and state, and Steve wants to talk about it. Looking at the issues that directly affect those in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico, ABQ Connect focuses on local issues and the things taking place in the Land of Enchantment. Live, local, and loving New Mexico.
Drew and Dara Hoey of Great Commission Alliance join us to discuss their work training Christians to evangelize effectively. They give tips to Christi...
Discipleship Faith MinistryWhile the TikTok ban has been delayed for now, the debate over its impact on kids’ screen time and online safety continues. Many frequent users of Tik...
Entertainment Faith FamilyHarold Anderson and Barb Tegmire are chaplains for the Albuquerque Police Department. They join us today to talk about the joys and challenges of bein...
Discipleship Faith MinistryTravis Yoakum, the Vice President of the New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranch, joins us to share updates about the ranch and their operations. He shares wh...
Ministry Youth“A great way for a radio station to set itself apart from other stations is by having content that is LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL.”
– Steve Reimann
Steve Reimann’s career in radio started in the early 80s, shortly after becoming a Christian. His passion for local ministries, organizations and business compliments the core purposes of ABQ Connect; to inform the KLYT listeners about available resources and opportunities for involvement.
ABQ Connect is exactly the place where together, we can learn new things and ask the hard questions.
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We appreciate you taking the time to submit your questions or comments to ABQ Connect.
We broadcast weekdays from 1 – 2 p.m. Mountain time.
You can submit questions for our guest(s) or host.
Responses may or may not be read on-air.