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New Mexico Men Of Honor Co-Chairs Steve Stucker and Dennis Poper open up about their own struggles and how they use them now to encourage men. Dennis said, “You can walk a thousand steps away from God, but it is always just one step back.” Steve said, “God knows the truth. We might as well confess to Him and have this cleansing in our relationship. I have a chance, and I have some hope. God brought me to this place and this person to help me come closer to Him.”

Find out more about New Mexico Men of Honor at https://www.nmmenofhonor.com/.

Take some special time with the person you love! The FamilyLife Weekend to Remember is Friday, February 18 through Sunday, February 20, 2022, at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa. Family Life’s Tim Steele said, “Couples sometimes need to disconnect from everyday life to connect to each other.” Married couples, dating couples, and even couples on the edge of divorce or separated are encouraged to register. The weekend may change your marriage!

Register online at weekendtoremember.com.

Hope Christian School Head of School Terry Heisey and Athletic Director and Boy’s Basketball Coach Jim Murphy talk about their life investment in the ministry of Hope and how they have been blessed in the work! Jim is in his 40th year at the school (39), with his boy’s basketball program winning 16 State Championships, including their first one featuring Terry Heisey when he was a Senior at Hope in 1985. Jim said, “The Honor and privilege to put God’s Word in your heart every single day! That’s why I sent my four children to Hope.”

For more information about Hope Christian School Pre k-12,  go to https://www.hopechristianschool.org/, or call 505-821-2513.

Senate Memorial-9 is a bill submitted by State Senator and Physician Gregg Schmedes to the State Legislature. The bill requests funding for the Department of Health to conduct a feasibility study on creating “A New Mexico Center for Complex Care for Adults and Children with special health care needs and medical complexities. Today, Dr. Sandra Whisler tells us why she supports the Center for Complex Care development. She is one of just a few physicians in New Mexico qualified and focused on providing pediatric specialty care, including children with special health care needs, developmental disabilities, and medical complexity.

Find out more about Sandra Whisler M.D. on her website https://sandrawhisler.com/ or call 505-910-7339. 

Stand True 4 Blue Vice President Tina Buerschen, Secretary Mariah Carisalez, and retired Albuquerque Police Officers Ray and Candi Defrates stand true to support the men and women in law enforcement and first responders in New Mexico.

The Stand True 4 Blue website says, “We are a 501-c3 nonprofit organization that strives to be a sustaining source of support for Law Enforcement and all First Responders. Through Stand True Business, Church, Neighborhood, and School platforms, we aim to unite communities in supporting these HEROES!

Creation Science Teacher Ray Mondragon said, “Science attempts to look at what we observe in the natural realm. We make the same observations from a Biblical worldview as the evolutionist does. Still, we come to a different conclusion because we have some revelation that helps to explain the natural realm.”

Creation Science Fellowship of NM: https://www.csfnm.org/, meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Faith Bible Church; 9600 Central Ave. SE in Albuquerque. The meetings are FREE!

For more information about the FREE Bible Study and Creation Science resources available from Ray Mondragon, go to http://forhisglorynm.com/.


Registration is open for Calvary Schools preschool (https://calvarychurchpreschool.com/) and elementary (K-3) students https://calvarychurchelementary.com/. Dr. Brian Nixon oversees education for Calvary Schools. He said, “Calvary Elementary school is a paideia learning school. Jesus is the model of Paideia education.”

Then, after three days, they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. Luke 2:46-47


SPCTRM is a youth community of middle school to high school students. It’s the youth group at Calvary Church.

It’s a wide spectrum of different people and different life experiences. These are some of the questions young people are asking today: How does my faith interact with the people around me? How do I relate to the people around me? What is the purpose of leading a pure life? Taylor said, “We want to create a safe place for them to ask these questions.”

Santiago (Santi) said, “We always want to provide a Biblical perspective on what life looks like. The way Jesus has asked us to live our lives applies to today.” More information about SPCTRM is available at https://calvarynm.church/ministries/studentministries/.

Steve Russo is an author, internationally known communicator, radio/TV host, and professional drummer. He hosts the syndicated radio program “Real Answers,” heard daily on more than 800 stations. Steve said, “I owe my life to a young person. That is why I have dedicated my life to reaching out to teens and young adults.”

Steve’s New Book is called “The Bible Promise Book for Teens.”  Find out more about Steve and his ministries at https://realanswers.com/.

The Heritage Foundation’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Mike Howell, Senior Advisor for Government Relations, said, “We go and get some of the best thinkers out there. We have them drive the policy solutions with a conservative ideology behind them that policymakers can use to advance good legislation or oppose bad legislation. We try to equip people throughout the country with the basic understanding and information they need to engage as an informed citizens.”

Topics of Discussion for this episode:

  • Parity Funding.
  • Why is the Heritage Foundation protecting pre-born children?
  • What has happened to the available workers in the workforce?
  • Are foreign governments trying to influence American Elections