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Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing recaps the results of municipal elections around New Mexico and several key results from other states around the country.  Follow the links for more information on all the topics Paul covers in this episode:

  1. Election results with political impact Nationally:
    1. Glen Youngkin Republican wins VA Gov. race & Biden’s national agenda.
  2. New Mexico Election Results: Mayor’s race, ABQ city council/Las Cruces City Council, school board elections in ABQ/Las Cruces/Rio Rancho, United Stadium.
  3. PNM/Avangrid merger rejected by hearing examiner. What does this mean?
  4. NM PED cancels in-person meeting on controversial social studies curriculum/changes to legal representation for school board members: https://errorsofenchantment.com/new-mexico-public-education-department-cancels-in-person-meeting-on-controversial-social-studies-curriculum/.
  5. NM’s House speaker fails on basic economics, tries to stoke “sexism” at UNM: https://errorsofenchantment.com/supply-and-demand-new-mexico-style/
  6. Duke Energy CEO says, “You can’t do net-zero without nuclear,” but NM is abandoning nuclear power: https://errorsofenchantment.com/net-zero-cant-be-achieved-w-o-nuclear-but-nm-is-abandoning-nuclear/
  7. Lujan Grisham and Biden in Scotland for the climate summit. Of course, they flew (commercial???) But numerous others used their private jets to get there: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10152027/Hypocrite-airways-Jeff-Bezoss-48m-gulf-stream-leads-parade-400-private-jets.html
  8. ABQ Journal polling data shows even in “blue ABQ,” voters care less about COVID and climate change than crime, homelessness, and schools. https://errorsofenchantment.com/climate-change-dramatically-lags-crime-homelessness-and-school-quality-in-new-abq-journal-poll/
  9. Keller Administration/City Council pushes to eliminate heavy plastic bags: https://www.abqjournal.com/2442635/abq-moving-to-ban-the-thicker-plastic-bags.html?utm_medium
  10. COVID-19 is dropping nationally but rising in a few states: https://www.koat.com/article/the-rate-of-covid-19-cases-is-dropping-nationally-but-rising-in-these-states/37919681.

Rudy Grande is the producer and host of the new KLYT Radio weekend show called Tracks of Light.  The show airs Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 6.  Tracks of Light will bring you back to the Jesus Music Movement that started in the ’70s. KLYT is 88.3 on the FM dial in Albuquerque and other cities throughout New Mexico. Tracks of Light is also available online worldwide at https://www.klyt.fm/. Archived shows of Tracks of Light are available at www.tracksoflight.com.

Creation Science and Bible Teacher Ray Mondragon explains why mutations are not an adequate mechanism to make evolution work because they are:

  1. Rare
  2. Unpredictable
  3. Harmful
  4. Genetic Burden
  5. Pathological
  6. Rejection
  7. Genetic Information Loss

Creation Science Fellowship of NM: https://www.csfnm.org/, meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Next meeting tonight, Faith Bible Church; 9600 Central Ave. SE.  A bibliography of additional Bible Study and Creation Science information is available FREE on Ray’s website at http://forhisglorynm.com/.

Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque Executive Director Paula Gonzales and Medical Mobile Unit Director Rebekah Otero invite you to join them for LAUGH FOR LIFE, Friday night, October 22, 2021, at Legacy Church, 7201 Central Ave. NW, Albuquerque, NM  87121. The event is FREE. Please come and enjoy the comedy of Derrick and Julie Tennant.

If you or someone you love faces an unplanned pregnancy, it can cause a rush of panic and intense emotions. Life can feel like it is turned upside down. You do not have to go through it alone. The Care Net pregnancy help center is here to help you work through your pregnancy options. Go to https://carenetabq.com/ or call 505-880-0882.

Over 3000 children per week in Albuquerque Public Schools alone are food insecure. Feed New Mexico Kids Founder Holly Slade talks with us about how, together, WE CAN FEED KIDS IN NEED THROUGHOUT NEW MEXICO! Caller, Wanda Golson, a volunteer with High Desert United Methodist  Church in Rio Rancho, NM, helped get their Feed New Mexico Kids Ministry started. Wanda said, “Holly gave us room to do this in a way that fits our congregation.”They are already helping to provide 200 snack packs per month for children in Rio Rancho.

You are invited to join Holly Wanda and Team Feed New Mexico Kids Friday, October 22, 2021, 6:30-8:30 pm at Calvary Church Westside, 6051 Winter Haven Road, NW in Albuquerque, to learn more about “HOW YOU CAN FEED NEW MEXICO KIDS.” Filmmaker Sarah Kanfani’s Child Hunger Documentary will premiere at the event with speakers Holly Slade,  Pediatrician Dr. Alwyn Koil, and Calvary Pastor Kevin Miller. THE EVENT IS FREE!

“It’s not your fault,” said Abby Williams, “Touched” Documentary Film Director and Producer. Mercy Multiplied Freedom Advocates Jodie Hix, Leila Armstrong, and Jocelyn Medina join REAL Connections Founder Amy Allen and Film Maker Abby Williams to talk about sexual assault. The following links are resources available to victims of sexual assault:

Danny Sanchez is the Senior Pastor of Victory Outreach Church in Albuquerque. “Friday night, October 29, 2021, Victory Outreach is hosting the New Mexico Men of Honor Event,” said Dennis Poper, Co-Chair of New Mexico Men of Honor.” The vision of New Mexico Men of Honor is to unite, equip, and encourage men in New Mexico through quarterly events that focus on worship, prayer, and Bible teaching.

New Mexico Men of Honor asks men from churches all over New Mexico to come together, uniting in Jesus in prayer, worship, and discipleship. Pastor Richard Mansfield, the Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Church, will be bringing a special message. The event is FREE. Worship starts at 6:30 pm. Victory Outreach Church is located at 435 Jefferson SE Albuquerque, NM 87108.

John Moore Associates President Brian Cochran shared his perspective on the latest unemployment numbers to be released. He expresses his concerns about public policy decisions made in reaction to the pandemic, including unemployment benefits. Brian said, “Are we programming people not to return to work? He said, “God designed us to work. I like to think of the Bible as a recipe book. It gives us all the ingredients for human thriving. One of those ingredients is labor or work. When people are not working, they tend not to thrive.”

More information about Biblical Investing and money management is available at https://www.johnmoore.com/insights/.