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Mercy Multiplied Freedom Advocates Jodie Hix, Leila Armstrong, and Jocelyn Medina review “The Seven Keys to Freedom” in this episode. Jocelyn said, “Sometimes we start believing lies, and we get caught up in sin. Once we open that door, it can spiral out of control so easily. Before you know it, you think, “how did I end up here?” Go to https://mercymultiplied.com/keys-to-freedom-study/ to learn more about The Seven Keys to Freedom Bible Study.

Bible Missions Global (BMG) equips churches in the former Soviet Union with the resources for outreach in their local communities. John Sandager is an Estate Planning Attorney in Albuquerque, and he serves in Ministry with Bible Missions Global as the Executive Director BMG/USA. Find out how you can support the mission work of BMG at https://biblemissionglobal.org/.

Steve Mckee is a branding expert. He is the Co-Founder of McKee Wallwork & Company and the author of two books: “When Growth Stalls: How It Happens, Why You’re Stuck, and What to Do About It,” and  “Power Branding: Leveraging the Success of the World’s Best Brands.” In this episode, Steve educates us on the use of branding in politics and optics created. Steve said, “We have been dumbed down so much as a culture. We tend to go based on what we see, maybe what we hear, not what we learn. We don’t learn. People don’t pay enough attention.”  Get more information about Steve McKee at https://www.mckeewallwork.com/.

Connection Communications Director Chip Lusko checks in from the National Religious Broadcasters Association Media Conference in Grapevine, Texas. Chip said, “Former Secretary of State and Head of the CIA Mike Pompeo will be speaking here.” Author Joel Rosenberg and his new book, “Enemies and Allies,” the Abraham Accords, and Joel’s interview with Skip Heitzig are just a few of the topics Chip updates us on in this episode.

Jennifer Bryant is a Certified Nutritionist Dietician and the Owner of Nourished Nutrition Counseling. The purpose of food is the topic of our conversation in this episode. Jennifer said, “We eat for every reason. We eat when we are happy. We eat when we are sad. We eat when we are lonely. We eat when we are bored. We eat when we are stressed. We eat all the time to deal with everything. If you ask God what He wants us to do when we feel any of these emotions, “The answer is not food.” Food does not ultimately fill that sense of whatever we are looking for. One of the things I teach is going to the right thing when we feel some of these emotions. Emotions are not a bad thing. God made us have emotions, but we want to take them; we want to identify what they are and learn how to cope with them in healthy ways. God wants us to do this with Him by our side. Not with that gallon of ice cream.”

More information about Jennifer’s services and FREE access to her recipes and newsletter are available at https://nourishednutritioncounseling.com/.

Mark Skalberg is Director of Starting Over on the Inside. He said, “Starting Over On The Inside is a life-changing program that equips offenders with the needed character qualities and life skills for their successful return to society.” Go to https://startingoverworkshops.com/starting-over-on-the-inside/ for more information.


Executive Director Stephanie Luke said, “Care Net Pregnancy Centers Of Albuquerque offer life-affirming alternatives for our community.  Our FREE, confidential, compassionate services include pregnancy testing, STD testing, ultrasounds, prenatal, pregnancy, parenting education, and post-abortion support. It’s all non-judgemental. Anyone can come in to use Care Net Services.” Dan Rosecrans serves as the Fatherhood Coordinator and Medical Mobile Clinic Director. Dan said, “I wish everybody could hear the comments of women who have ultrasounds.” “It is a baby!” More information is available at https://carenetabq.com/.

The mission of the Rio Grande Foundation is to increase liberty and prosperity for all of New Mexico by informing citizens of the importance of individual freedom, limited government, and economic opportunity. Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing covers the following topics in today’s episode:

  1. Wallet Hub: 2021’s Best States to Live in: “New Mexico is 50 out of 50 states.” Adam McCann, Financial Writer Jun 15, 2021: https://wallethub.com/edu/best-states-to-live-in/62617.
  2. MLG claims success fighting COVID; the truth is not nearly as pretty: https://errorsofenchantment.com/mlgs-poor-covid-19-performance/.
  3. A federal judge finds federal oil/gas moratorium illegal: https://nypost.com/2021/06/15/federal-judge-blocks-biden-moratorium-on-new-oil-gas-leases/,
  4. Conflicting letters from the Legislature regarding energy: https://errorsofenchantment.com/new-mexicos-progressive-legislators-pen-bizarre-and-conflicted-letter-to-biden-on-energy-setting-themselves-in-conflict-with-gov-mlg-party-leaders/,
  5. NM Governor announces she’ll push for a “green” fuel mandate: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/economic-development-secretary-fuel-standards-definitely-priority-for-n-m-in-2022/article_bfa52778-cd22-11eb-b04f-7bd2f1129b71.html. https://errorsofenchantment.com/mlg-wants-to-get-in-your-gas-tank-and-make-you-pay-for-it/.
  6. “Free” buses in Albuquerque?” https://errorsofenchantment.com/free-buses-another-futile-attempt-to-push-unpopular-transit-in-albuquerque/.
  7. Will Branson try to one-up Bezos by going to space on July 4 weekend? https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/12/branson-bezos-musk-space-commercial-flight.
  8. RGF censored on Facebook: https://errorsofenchantment.com/rgf-podcast-censored-by-youtube/.
  9. The Biden Administration wants your kids: https://errorsofenchantment.com/the-biden-administration-wants-your-kids/.