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Dave and Holly Slade are the owners of Dave Slade and Associates Real Estate in Albuquerque. Today they encourage our listeners to consider real estate as a sound investment. The opportunities to own a home and invest in income-producing residential or commercial properties may be a profitable option for people worried about the uncertainty in the financial markets today. If you are interested in buying or selling real estate call Dave Slade and Associates Real Estate at (505) 342-8100 or go to their website for more information  http://www.abqhomeseeker.com/.

Lysa Terkheurst is the President of Proverbs 31 Ministries https://www.proverbs31.org/. With a heart to encourage women, Lysa says, “know the truth and live the truth. It changes everything.” Lysa is part of the Encounter Tour 2020 coming to the campus of Calvary Albuquerque on April 19, 2020. She will be joined by Fresh Live Church Pastor Levi Lusko, and Fresh Life Worship.  The Encounter Tour is presented by Compassion LIVE.

The Encounter Tour comes to Albuquerque on April 19, 2020, at Calvary Church Osuna Campus. For tickets go to https://www.compassionlive.com/.

Compassion LIVE, established in 2014 by Compassion International, provides the highest quality events for families to join together and grow with others in faith. Compassion LIVE partners with impact making leaders, artists, and communicators to produce life-changing events that share the message of faith and impact the Church for children around the world  https://www.compassionlive.com/.

Dave Slade is a businessman, bible teacher, and author. Several years ago he wrote his first novel called “The Christ Virus.” With the “Corona Virus” spreading throughout the world we thought it would be interesting to talk with Dave about the surprising parallels he describes in his novel and the reality of today.  “The Christ, Virus” poses the question, “ What is the ultimate terrorist scenario? One that could collapse financial markets, bring governments to their knees and strike terror into the heart of every person? For more information about Dave Slade and his intriguing novels based on bible prophecy go to https://www.daveslade.com/.

Dwain Kindelberger is the co-owner of Designer Bodies, World Class Gym in Albuquerque. Monica Griego is part of the Ministry of KNKT Radio, and she trains at Designer Bodies. Dwain begins our conversation today by making sure we understand that God is the Designer. Dwain is a personal trainer, Nutritionist, Lifestyle Coach, and Motivational Speaker. Monica explains how Designer Bodies has helped her get in shape, and commit to a life style of nutrition and working out. For a FREE consultation and Wellness Evaluation go to https://www.designerbodies.com/.  The phone number to call is 505-899-1700.

The primary season is in full swing and a national election is on the horizon. The presidency appears to be a contest between a “Democratic Socialist, and two Capitalists. ” Steve McKee presents the contrast between “Socialism and Capitalism” for us today on ABQ Connect.  He answers the question, “Is private property moral or immoral?”

Steve is the Co-Founder of McKee Wallwork & Company. He is the author of “When Growth Stalls: How It Happens, Why You’re Stuck, and What to Do About It,” and “ Power Branding: Leveraging the Success of the World’s Best Brands.” https://www.mckeewallwork.com/.

Dennis Poper and Steve Stucker are Co-Chairs of New Mexico Men of Honor. They are working diligently to encourage men by bringing them together quarterly to worship and fellowship together. New Mexico Men of Honor is an interdenominational men’s ministry affiliated with New Mexico Prays. They seek to help men become more devoted Christ-followers and strengthen their marriages, families, workplace, church, and community. Their next event is Friday night April 17, 2020. Promise Keepers President, Judge Vance Day, will be the keynote speaker.  For more information go to https://nmmenofhonor.com/.

Elizabeth Armijo is the Deputy Chief of Staff to Chief Mike Geier and the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). Dave Romo is the Director of Recruiting for the Department. According to Dave and Elizabeth, the opportunity to work for a “great department, make a good living for your family, and fulfill your life calling is NOW!” If you are interested in a career in law enforcement go to https://www.cabq.gov/police.

Albuquerque Police Chief Mike Geier was appointed by Mayor Tim Keller in 2017 to lead a broken department under the supervision of the Department of Justice.  Chief Geier talks with us about his management team, the changes they have made in the culture of the department, and his dedicated officers fighting crime in our city. Brian Alarid, President of America Prays, supports Chief Geier in friendship and commitment to have churches all over Albuquerque praying for our men and women in law enforcement. For information about the Albuquerque Police Department go to https://www.cabq.gov/police.  America prays website is https://www.americaprays.org/.

Jesse Lusko is the Pastor of Calvary Albuquerque Westside. On Friday, March 6, 2020, he is hosting a “SKEPTICS WELCOME DINNER PARTY”, 6:30 pm mountain time, 6051 Winter Haven Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM  87120 (NE corner of Coors and Montano). If you are skeptical about the church, Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity, you are invited to join Jesse for a gourmet dinner, an intellectually engaging talk, and a live Q & A at Calvary Church Westside.  Jesse says, “…not every human being is our brother or sister in Christ, but every human being is our neighbor, and that’s kind of the whole point.” For more information about Calvary Westside and the SKEPTICS WELCOME DINNER PARTY go to https://my.calvarynm.church/portal/event_detail.aspx?id=3127. Italian food will be served!

Kevin Lorenzen is the District Sales Coordinator for Aflac (American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus). You may have heard the duck quack “AFLAC” on their commercials, but it is important as an individual or an employer to understand the financial benefits of supplemental benefits. In one example today,  Kevin explains how an “AFLAC Hospital” plan helps with the expenses not covered by major medical, which can help prevent high deductibles and out‐of‐pocket expenses from derailing your life plans. Find out more about AFLAC supplemental benefits at https://www.aflac.com/agents/kevin_lorenzen.aspx. Call Kevin at (505) 604-4216 or email him at kevin_lorenzen@us.aflac.com.