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Executive Director Stephanie Luke said, “Care Net Pregnancy Centers Of Albuquerque offer life-affirming alternatives for our community.  Our FREE, confidential, compassionate services include pregnancy testing, STD testing, ultrasounds, prenatal, pregnancy, parenting education, and post-abortion support. It’s all non-judgemental. Anyone can come in to use Care Net Services.” Dan Rosecrans serves as the Fatherhood Coordinator and Medical Mobile Clinic Director. Dan said, “I wish everybody could hear the comments of women who have ultrasounds.” “It is a baby!” More information is available at https://carenetabq.com/.

The mission of the Rio Grande Foundation is to increase liberty and prosperity for all of New Mexico by informing citizens of the importance of individual freedom, limited government, and economic opportunity. Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing covers the following topics in today’s episode:

  1. Wallet Hub: 2021’s Best States to Live in: “New Mexico is 50 out of 50 states.” Adam McCann, Financial Writer Jun 15, 2021: https://wallethub.com/edu/best-states-to-live-in/62617.
  2. MLG claims success fighting COVID; the truth is not nearly as pretty: https://errorsofenchantment.com/mlgs-poor-covid-19-performance/.
  3. A federal judge finds federal oil/gas moratorium illegal: https://nypost.com/2021/06/15/federal-judge-blocks-biden-moratorium-on-new-oil-gas-leases/,
  4. Conflicting letters from the Legislature regarding energy: https://errorsofenchantment.com/new-mexicos-progressive-legislators-pen-bizarre-and-conflicted-letter-to-biden-on-energy-setting-themselves-in-conflict-with-gov-mlg-party-leaders/,
  5. NM Governor announces she’ll push for a “green” fuel mandate: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/economic-development-secretary-fuel-standards-definitely-priority-for-n-m-in-2022/article_bfa52778-cd22-11eb-b04f-7bd2f1129b71.html. https://errorsofenchantment.com/mlg-wants-to-get-in-your-gas-tank-and-make-you-pay-for-it/.
  6. “Free” buses in Albuquerque?” https://errorsofenchantment.com/free-buses-another-futile-attempt-to-push-unpopular-transit-in-albuquerque/.
  7. Will Branson try to one-up Bezos by going to space on July 4 weekend? https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jun/12/branson-bezos-musk-space-commercial-flight.
  8. RGF censored on Facebook: https://errorsofenchantment.com/rgf-podcast-censored-by-youtube/.
  9. The Biden Administration wants your kids: https://errorsofenchantment.com/the-biden-administration-wants-your-kids/.

Joni and Friends’ Warrior Getaways are for combat-wounded veterans and their families. Marcy Patten is the New Mexico Ministry Operations Manager for Joni and Friends and the Organizer of the Warrior Getaway Camp.  Marine Veteran Brian Bell has attended a “Warrior Getaway,” and he now serves as the Area Director for the Joni and Friends Arizona office. Joni and Friends are actively recruiting veterans to take advantage of the rest and renewal they and their families will experience attending a Joni and Friends Warrior Getaway.

Marcy said, “Warriors Getaways are designed to help combat-wounded veterans and their families have a respite place, a place of healing, and a place to work through some of the things they are dealing with coming back from war. The nice thing about our Getaway is it is not just for the Warrior; it is also for the spouse and the children, allowing them to work through all of it together.”

The next New Mexico Warrior Getaway is August 3, 2021 – August 7, 2021. Contact Marcy with Joni and Friends at (505) 835-5263 or on the web https://www.joniandfriends.org/event/new-mexico-warrior-getaway/.

“A disciple is a learner,” Karen Warin said. Dale and Karen are Navigators “Faith at Work Ministry” staff in Albuquerque. The Navigators is a community of friends of all ages who want to know God and Jesus Christ and love and encourage each other while walking through life together. The Navigators have ministry staff in communities throughout New Mexico, the United States, and worldwide. There are no prerequisites or specific affiliations required to participate in Navigators’ activities. Monthly Faith at Work meetings are scheduled each month combined with “Multiply Events” quarterly to challenge people to become “disciple-makers.” The Navigators offer the opportunity to engage in life-on-life relationships, recreation, and discipleship. For details, go to https://cities.navigators.org/albuquerque-nm.

Shelley Repp is the Executive Director of the New Mexico Dream Center.  The ministry provides services to survivors of human trafficking and youth experiencing homelessness. The agency believes that every human life is valuable to God. Shelley said, “When you look at those (children), who have come out of trafficking, you will see 80 % were in the child welfare system.” Children in the state’s legal custody are the most vulnerable population to the deceptions of sex traffickers. The New Mexico Dream Center also provides foster parent training and support resources. For more information about the New Mexico Dream Center, go to https://www.nmdreamcenter.org/ or call 505-900-3833.

Brian Cochran is the President of John Moore Associates. This episode focuses on building a financial plan on the foundation of contentment and other Biblical principles. Brian said, The key to Biblical principles is they are timeless and transcendent. They won’t change, and they apply to all people no matter their age, marital status, or net worth.”

Go to John Moore Associates on the web at https://www.johnmoore.com/ for information about Biblical Principles for managing money.

Casa de Mariposa (Butterfly House), Founding Board Members Doug and Roda Abrams are joined on the show by Judy Shoemaker, Former House Mom and volunteer.

Casa de Mariposa focuses on meeting the needs of pregnant women in vulnerable, untenable situations who have decided to keep their unborn child and indicate a genuine desire to have a life-changing experience. All pregnant women can apply to Casa de Mariposa regardless of race, religion, or national origin. In addition, the ministry has now expanded its services to include assistance to women with a child under 1-year of age.  For assistance, call 505-358-5341 or reach out to Casa de Mariposa on the web http://www.casademariposa.org/.

See details about the 2021 House of Hope Friendraiser event on July 25th on the web.

Kevin and Jenn Miller are raising a family in their 18th year of marriage. They are FUN! They are STRAIGHTFORWARD about building their relationship and how they are teaching their children about marriage. Kevin said, “Marriage is a picture of Christ in the Church (Ephesians 5). So if the model of marriage is about us preaching the Gospel through our relationship, it seems it would only make sense for dating to be preparation for that picture.”

Kevin is an Executive Pastor with Calvary Church, and Jenn is a singer serving as a volunteer as part of the worship team at the church.


The FIRST-EVER VULNERABLE NO MORE EVENT is June 18, 2021, from 6-8 pm. at the Central Campus of Legacy Church. The event will also be streamed live online: https://www.fortheone.one/. Women are invited to attend FREE!

The VULNERABLE NO MORE EVENT is designed to reach and equip youth and young adults BEFORE sex traffickers, recruiters and groomers do. The goal is to identify predators and reveal their strategies. For the One will equip women with response tools designed to transform them from a targeted population to Warriors who are Vulnerable No More! 

Toya Kaplan is the Founder of the For the One Ministry. Michelle Schroff is the Founder of the Aspen Project and ZOE,  providing mentor programs, parenting classes, adoption, and foster care advisement. For more information about Michelle, Aspen Project, and ZOE, go to https://www.aspenproject.org/.

Registration is required https://www.vulnerablenomore.org/. THE EVENT IS FREE!