The Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico Outreach (CSFNM) is a registered 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization chartered in the State of Washington. They are a non-profit, educational organization whose purpose is to provide resources to help educate people in the truths of Creation, Young Earth,...

The Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico Outreach (CSFNM) is a registered 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization chartered in the State of Washington. They are a non-profit, educational organization whose purpose is to provide resources to help educate people in the truths of Creation, Young Earth,...

The Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico Outreach (CSFNM) is a registered 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization chartered in the State of Washington. They are a non-profit, educational organization whose purpose is to provide resources to help educate people in the truths of Creation, Young Earth,...

The Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico Outreach (CSFNM) is a registered 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization chartered in the State of Washington. They are a non-profit, educational organization whose purpose is to provide resources to help educate people in the truths of Creation, Young Earth,...

Ray Mondragon joins us for his ongoing commentary on the book of Genesis. Ray serves as the President of the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico, which is a fellowship of Christian scientists and lay people dedicated to understanding and explaining origins as revealed by...