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John Jones is the President and CEO of LifeQuest USA. The ministry is mentoring a future and a hope to help New Mexico youth overcome their past challenges and build resilience for the future. John is a man that God grew even through drug and alcohol addiction. His mentors loved him through difficult times and continue to support him as he encourages young people today. John’s testimony is an encouragement for all of us as he emphatically says, “Your future is not defined by your past. Live life forgiven!  For more information about LifeQuest USA call 505-341-9383 or visit their website at https://www.lifequestusa.org.


LifeQuest USA, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) public charitable organization, and as such, your gift or a portion is tax-deductible.


Paul Gessing became the first full-time President of the Rio Grande Foundation in March of 2006. Since joining the Foundation, Gessing has been a prominent voice for limited government and individual liberties in policy areas including: Constitutional liberties, taxes, health care, education, and transportation.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Gessing headed up the lobbying efforts of the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) a respected taxpayer-advocacy organization in Washington, DC.


Home – Rio Grande Foundation

The Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico Outreach (CSFNM) is a registered 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization chartered in the State of Washington. They are a non-profit, educational organization whose purpose is to provide resources to help educate people in the truths of Creation, Young Earth, and Biblical accuracy and reliability. CSFNM was formed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1991.

Ray Mondragon, President of the Creation Science Fellowship, joins us today to discuss Genesis and the scientific evidence supporting creation.

Ray is a retired civil engineer. He holds a Masters in Theology and a PhD. in Biblical Studies. Creation Science is one of his favorite topics he uses to encourage Christians in their faith.

Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico (csfnm.org)

Love life is uniting and mobilizing the church to create a culture of love and life that will result in an end to abortion and the orphan crisis.

They follow the 4-step journey found in Nehemiah chapters 1-3 to lead the Church of Christ to repentance and obedience in order to “rebuild the walls” in our cities. This is practically played out when a church Adopts a Week and walks through the 4 steps of Hear, Pray, Go, and Connect.

“Adoption Week” takes place Sunday through Saturday. On Sunday, the pastor gives a message on Life and gives a call to action for his people to pray and fast on Wednesday, and then to participate in a peaceful prayer walk at their local abortion clinic on Saturday.  The last element of the prayer walk gives participants an opportunity to say “yes” to ongoing ministry around the issue of abortion.

Ethel Maharg of Love Life joins us for a ministry update.


Dave Slade is the author of a new book focused on Biblical Prophecy called “We are the Last Generation!” The book is a bold statement based on Jesus’ teaching on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24:1—25:46 (also Mark 13:1-37; Luke 21:5-36). It includes significant focus on prophecy regarding the future of Israel and the world. The topic is not without controversy in Christian Churches, and Jewish communities. Dave provides historical scriptural support for what he believes, and he has calm forceful way of encouraging people to take a serious look at Jesus as the Lord and Savior of the world. “We are the Last Generation” is now available with book retailers including Amazon.


John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship.

Brian Cochran of John Moore Associates joins us for his weekly financial update.


Managing wealth using Biblical Principles – John Moore Associates

Every day, The Heritage Foundation is building an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

Heritage’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Genevieve Wood of the Heritage Foundation joins us today to discuss recent protests on university campuses across America and the need to not take it lightly.

The Heritage Foundation

Lisa Anderson is director of young adults for Focus on the Family, the world’s leading Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive. She manages Boundless, Focus’ ministry for young adults, with the goal of helping 20- and 30-somethings grow up, own their faith, date with purpose and prepare for marriage and family.

She is driven, in part, by interacting regularly with young adults who, because of the cultural impact of divorce, fatherlessness and a Hollywood-inspired view of romance and relationships, have little idea of how to approach dating and marriage from a God-honoring perspective.


Lisa Anderson – Focus on the Family

Carla Sonntag is the President and CEO of the New Mexico Business Coalition (https://nmbizcoalition.org/), and Better Together New Mexico  (https://bettertogethernewmexico.org). Since 2009, NMBC has been a nonpartisan, non-profit voice for businesses and all New Mexicans. BTNM promotes public policies based on the principles of less government, individual freedom, free enterprise, and traditional American values.

Calvary Church is hosting this nine-week course, which includes commentary from notable pastors, constitutional experts, historians, and others. Each week, we take a journey through the Bible and American history to rediscover the secrets that produce a prosperous society when biblical principles are applied.


Event Details – Calvary Church | Osuna (calvarynm.church)