Ethel Maharg of Love Life joins us to talk about the upcoming Walk For Life and Love Life's 40th week celebration. These events bring awareness to and raise funds for the work of Love Life. Love Life aims to mobilize the Christian Church to take...

Robyn Chambers oversees Focus’ Sanctity of Human Life and Foster Care and Adoption efforts through the following programs: Wait No More, which prepares hearts and homes for kids in foster care and Option Ultrasound, which provides ultrasound machines and sonography training to qualified pro-life medical clinics in...

Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque provide FREE pregnancy services, including testing and ultra-sounds. STI testing and post-abortive care are also available for the asking. Paula Gonzales is the Executive Director of Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque, and Jennifer Ward is the Community Outreach Director. Finding out...

Love Life aims to implement the Great Commission and minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the ground at abortion clinics and hotspots. Their aim is to evangelize to people in these situations and to reduce abortions. Ethel Maharg joins us for an update on recent...