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John Moore Associates Certified Financial Planner Brian Cochran presents the importance of having a diversified investment portfolio. He said, “We diversify not because it is the easiest way to invest or because it always gives us the highest return. We diversify because we don’t know what the future holds. When markets can change so quickly, it is nice to have a nice diversified portfolio.” For “Insights on investing go to https://www.johnmoore.com/.

Brian and John Moore just released their new book called “The Almighty and the Dollar.”

Matt and Krystal Flores join Anntonette and Chris Franklin to share their experience planting a new church in Rio Rancho, NM. Their new church is seven months young, and it’s called Awaken Church.  Matt and Chris team Pastor with their friend and colleague Justin Chaplin. The couples open up about their challenges in life, ministry, marriage, and parenting. For more information about Awaken Church, go to https://www.awakennm.church/.

Ray explains why he believes the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and how science and history support his faith. He is a Bible and Creation Science Teacher with Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico and Chafer Seminary. His website http://forhisglorynm.com/

Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico meets on the third Tuesday of each month at Faith Bible Church, 9600 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM  87123. Check the website for more information https://www.csfnm.org/.

Steve McKee said, “Words have become a weapon in the spiritual war, and certainly in political terms. The words chosen by the political class are extremely intentional. We don’t even realize we are not listening.” Steve is the Co-Founder of McKee Wallwork and Company. The intentional manipulation of language is the focus of our conversation in this episode of ABQ Connect.

Steve is the author of two books: When Growth Stalls; How it Happens, Why You’re Stuck & What to Do About It, and Power Branding: Leveraging the Success of the Worlds Best Brands.

Calvary Chapel University (CCU) is a Christian online institution of higher education where you can discover and grow in your God-given gifts and calling. CCU offers certificate programs as well as degree programs at the Bachelor’s or Master’s level. Chapin Marsh is one of the founders of Calvary Chapel University, and he serves as its President. Application for classes is simple online at https://calvarychapeluniversity.com/. Donna and Pamela are available to answer questions during business hours at 954-453-9228.

Ben Courson is the founder of Hope Generation. His new book is called “Flirting with Darkness: Building Hope in the Face of Depression.”  He is also the Senior Pastor of Applegate Christian Fellowship in Jacksonville, Oregon. Ben calls himself an“Ex-Suicide.” Flirting with Darkness tells the story of Ben’s own 10-year journey living with depression. He offers 11 weapons to help you win the battle with depression. Ben shouts, “The most important thing is you can’t give up! DO NOT GIVE UP!

Click on the links for more information.

John Moore Associates, Certified Financial Planner,  Brian Cochran talks about “Prepare vs. Repair” on the show today. He said, “The biggest financial mistakes happen during times of significant transition. Divorce, marriage, buying a home, selling a home, starting a business, selling a business, death of a spouse, inheritance. Some are more purely financial, such as filing for social security, starting required minimum distributions, or electing a survivor benefit for your pension.  It is better to be thoughtful on the front end of these events rather than discover after the fact that you made costly mistakes.”

For information about investing, go to https://www.johnmoore.com/.

The Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education voted 6-1 on Wednesday, February 17, to finish the school year with virtual learning. https://www.abqjournal.com/2361180/aps-schools-to-decide-on-in-person-students.html. Paul Gessing, President of the Rio Grande Foundation, has plenty to say about this decision.

Paul also summarizes the legislation currently under consideration by the New Mexico Legislature. For more details, go to https://riograndefoundation.org/.

“February 5 marks the twenty-third anniversary of the date Jess and I stepped onto Ugandan soil to serve as missionaries with Jay and Sunny McLaughlin,” Bev Rich said. Jess Rich went home to be with the Lord in December of 2014, and Bev has continued serving as the Director of the “Called Christians Mission” in Jinja, Uganda. For more information about Called Christians in Jinja, Uganda, go to https://calledchristians.org/

ABQ GOD’S TALENT show is Friday, March 19, 2021, at 7 pm at Hoffmantown Church, 8888 Harper Blvd NE 87111. Musicians and teachers Terry & Mariasari Janow started the ABQ GOD’S TALENT show to promote and encourage young Christian Artists. Audition for the show by going to https://abqgodstalent.com/. Register and upload a video of your talent online.  The deadline to audition is Friday, February 26, 2021.