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The Heritage Foundation’s mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. Mike Howell, Senior Advisor for Government Relations, said, “We go and get some of the best thinkers out there. We have them drive the policy solutions with a conservative ideology behind them that policymakers can use to advance good legislation or oppose bad legislation. We try to equip people throughout the country with the basic understanding and information they need to engage as an informed citizens.”

Topics of Discussion for this episode:

  • Parity Funding.
  • Why is the Heritage Foundation protecting pre-born children?
  • What has happened to the available workers in the workforce?
  • Are foreign governments trying to influence American Elections

Jonathan Williams is Chief Economist and Executive Vice President of Policy for the American Legislative Exchange Council and co-author of the 2021 Laffer-ALEC Report on Economic Freedom: Grading America’s 50 Governors  (Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, Donna Arduin & Jonathan Williams). Carla Sonntag is the Founder and Executive Director of the New Mexico Business Coalition.

Jonathan said, “This is not a republican democrat issue; this is an up or down issue when it comes to how successful states can be. We have these 50 laboratories of democracy. There is a lot of learning to be done about what works and what doesn’t work. We (https://alec.org/) are looking to provide best practices and solutions for how to make states more prosperous, and whether the Governor has a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ after their name matters none to us.”

Carla talks about the New Mexico Business Coalition’s perspective on the Governor’s agenda for the 55th Legislative Session in New Mexico:

EDUCATION – Proposed raises for educators – The reality of free college

CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM – Fund to hire and train more public safety officers – Keeping violent offenders off New Mexico streets – • Increasing penalties for violent offenders –

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – Cutting gross receipts taxes – Expanding the Buy New Mexico Initiative – New Mexico as a national hydrogen hub – Establishing a state Media Academy – Expanding job training and economic development programs

ENVIRONMENT – Creating the Land of Enchantment Bond – Reaching net-zero by 2050 – Setting a clean fuel standard

HEALTH, WELL-BEING, AND QUALITY OF LIFE – Improving the New Mexico Veterans Home – Significantly expanding ballot access – Supporting rural health care delivery



Pastor Clarence Washington Sr. is the author of a new 4-volume series called Hijacked: How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare. He said, “Dr. King’s (Biblical) Dream was not unclear. When I think about how clearly his dream was articulated in his oral presentations and writings, it was as clear as a fire truck coming down the street. It doesn’t get much more clear than that!”

“Destructive means can never achieve constructive ends.”

Go to https://clarencewashingtonauthor.com/ for more information about Pastor and Author Clarence Washington Sr. and his books.

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association President Zachary (Zac) Fort said, “The New Mexico Shooting Sports Association is an independent (not-for-profit) organization based right here in New Mexico. Most of our members are New Mexicans. We are a New Mexico-focused organization to promote shooting sports. A lot of our mission today in terms of promoting shooting sports is protecting the ability of people to engage in shooting sports and own personal firearms.”

Starting January 18, 2021, Zac will track bills proposed during the New Mexico Legislative session. He said, “There’s been a number of bills introduced in the state legislature in recent years that quite frankly, some of them, if passed as they were (written), could have ended shooting sports entirely in New Mexico.”

More information is available at https://nmssa.org/.



Wellness in the Word Workshop | Glorifying God with our bodies

Jennifer Bryant, Nourished Nutrition Counseling, and Gina Cordova with Rise & Abide Wellness are offering a FREE Wellness in the Work Workshop for women on January 29, 2022. Register for free at https://www.riseandabidewellness.com/events.

Event Details

January 29, 2022 @ 9:00 AM MST
120 mins
No equipment
This 2.5 Hour (150 min) workshop is presented by: Nourished Nutrition Counseling and Rise & Abide Wellness.
Schedule as follows:
9-9:30 am – Song and Bible Teaching
9:30-10 am – Gentle Movement Workout
10:00-10:15am – Break
10:15 am-11 am – Lies we Believe Teaching
11:00-11:30 am Breakout Groups
Registration is free. A love offering basket will be available at the Workshop.

Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing is on top of public policy and politics in New Mexico. His websites (https://riograndefoundation.org/ and https://errorsofenchantment.com/) are an excellent resource for voters to educate themselves on issues facing their communities and our state. Paul addresses the following and more in this episode of ABQ Connect:

  1. The Second Session of the 55th Legislature is about to begin on January 18, 2021.
  2. What does the public need to know about the Governors’s proposed budget for New Mexico in 2022? https://errorsofenchantment.com/rgf-discusses-gov-s-budget-on-koat-7/.
  3. How much does the Oil and gas industry add to the New Mexico economy? (jobs, taxes, and permanent funds). ($5.3 billion in revenue for state and local governments in the 2021 fiscal year – a 12% increase over 2020) (https://errorsofenchantment.com/new-mexicos-budget-is-more-dependent-than-ever-on-oil-and-gas/.
  4. How is the “Science” of “lockdowns” and mask mandate working out for New Mexico compared to other states in the country? https://errorsofenchantment.com/among-the-most-locked-down-states-in-america-new-mexico-exceeds-south-dakota-soon-to-exceed-florida-in-deaths-population/.
  5. COVID was both man-made AND leaked from a lab, and Fauci lied about it: https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-believed-covid-leaked-wuhan-211452135.html.
  6. Locked down, New Mexico now has more deaths per population according to World o Meters than South Dakota. And, we’ll soon catch up to much-maligned but ALSO free Florida https://errorsofenchantment.com/among-the-most-locked-down-states-in-america-new-mexico-exceeds-south-dakota-soon-to-exceed-florida-in-deaths-population/.
  7. The voting bill is bad news: it would extend the early voting period to the Sunday before election day, creating a permanent absentee voter list, automatically registering people to vote with a transaction at the MVD, allowing electronic signatures for nominating petitions, creating a straight-party ballot option. It would also allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in local elections, like school board elections.
  8. A former CFO filed a lawsuit over alleged fraud totaling $200 million. (Allegations are against Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Attorney General Hector Balderas, New Mexico State Auditor Brian Colón, Economic Development Cabinet Secretary Alicia Keys, and current managers at Spaceport America.” https://errorsofenchantment.com/lawsuit-filed-over-spaceport-corruption/).

New Mexico Men of Honor and Co-Chair Dennis Poper hosts a “BEAST FEAST” on Friday, January 28, 2022, New Covenant Church, 7201 Paseo Del Norte NE, Albuquerque, NM. The event starts at 5 pm. Dinner included. Register online at https://www.nmmenofhonor.com/. The cost is $15, including dinner, and special speaker, Hunter, Evangelist, Justine Gibbins, Founder of the Limitless Outdoor Movement! Group and family discounts are available!

Prizes will be given away. The Archery and air rifle shooting experience is presented by the New Mexico Game and Fish Department. Justine said, “The goal of Limitless Outdoors is to see people plugged into Jesus!


Mike Howell is a senior advisor for Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation. He said, “The Heritage Foundation is a not-for-profit educational organization; it’s what we call a “think tank.” It is the most prominent conservative group in the country. We get the smartest, best conservative experts and researchers from across the country, we put them in one building, and we crank out policy and research that can be used by conservative policymakers.”

Mike appeals to our listeners to participate in the political process through the Heritage Foundation at https://www.heritage.org/. He said, “We need to get all the information about things going on around the country, and we need to push it towards capital hill.”

The Called Christian’s mission is to make disciples who make disciples through evangelism, education, health, and publishing. Beverly (Bev) Rich is the Director of Called Christian’s. Called Christians is a well-rooted diverse outreach in Jinja, Uganda. Situated on a 2 + acre compound that serves as headquarters for robust ministries, including:

  • The Bridge Calvary Chapel Church building
  • School of Ministry
  • Conferences for Pastor’s, Wives, and Christian leaders
  • Leadership training
  • Gateway ministry for food and medical supplies
  • Prison Bible studies  for men and women
  • Prison gifts of blankets, medicine, and food
  • Slum Ministry
  • Medical support
  • Hospital visits
  • Juvenile support for school fees
  • Youth ministry and conferences

Taking care of prisoners is difficult. Bev said, “The main prison was built for 400 men, and they have 1600 men living there. They lie side by side like firewood. That was one of the reasons for the big blanket donation at the end of last year. If the prisoners have a blanket, they can cover themselves, and they don’t have to huddle together and spread skin diseases and TB.”

Desiree Woodland is the founder of Breaking the Silence NM, and Joe Thompson is the Board President of the Survivors of Suicide Support Group in Albuquerque. After Desiree lost her son Ryan to suicide, she wrote: “I Still Believe.” After 19 years, Desiree retired from teaching in the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho public schools to co-create and present the “Breaking the Silence NM curriculum,” which teaches students mental illness and suicide awareness. When Joe lost his wife, he found strength and comfort in talking about her life and death with other people in the Survivors of Suicide Support Group.

Desiree said, “I became involved with Breaking the Silence New Mexico because I realized I didn’t know what mental illness was. I couldn’t determine the signs. I have since learned since working on this project that if a child has been experiencing signs and symptoms of depression for two weeks and there’s no relief, parents should not be ashamed to take their child to get a check-up. Joe said, “There is such a stigma attached to mental illness, and then asking for help.”