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Jim Murphy is the Head Boy’s Basketball Coach and Athletic Director at Hope Christian School. Lon Perry is the Boy’s JV and Varsity Assistant Basketball Coach at Hope. Brian Joyce is the new Head Boys Basketball Coach at La Cueva. Brian said, “It is a privilege for me to be coaching at La Cueva High School.” Private and public schools in New Mexico are now open for interscholastic activities and sports.  Jim, Lon, and Brian review the challenges for coaches, players, and parents as they return to the court for the first time in a year.

Nicole Casanova is the owner of award-winning Nicole Decor and Design. She has been in business in the Albuquerque area for 21 years. Her menu of services includes interior design and interior decorating, home organization, office organization and decorating,  outdoor living and landscape design.  Nichole said, “My favorite thing to do is what I call redecorating. I come into a client’s home and do a walk-through with them. Then I pretty much re-work everything and create a new look without a lot of purchases. The most common response is, “I would never have thought about doing that.” It’s not me coming in and doing my style in their home. It’s me helping them to determine what their personal style is.”

Reach Nicole Decor and Design on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/everystyleimaginable.

Kevin Miller is a new Executive Pastor with Calvary Church. His wife, Jenn Miller, is joining the worship team at the church. Friday night, March 19, 2021, Jenn will be hosting her Worship Album Release Party at Calvary Church Westside, 6301 Winter Haven Rd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87120. The couple returned to Albuquerque this year after planting and growing Awaken Church in Clarksville, TN, for nine years. Kevin and Jenn share the emotions and challenges of trusting the Lord and answering His call to return to Calvary Church.

Ray Mondragon is a Bible and Creation Science teacher with Chafer Seminary and Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico. He provides FREE resources on his website at  http://forhisglorynm.com/. Ray says, “Science is God Shouting! He is shouting through the creation!” He happens to have a book coming out soon by the same title.

Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. Faith Bible Church, 9600 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123.  Click on the links for more information.

Spiritual Orphans Network (SON) connects North American believers with people and ministries in former communist and Soviet bloc nations in Central & East Europe, the Baltics, the Balkans, and Ethiopia. Pastor Scott Yount and his wife Elena joined SON as part of their ministry team in Ukraine with a focus on helping children with special needs. Pastor David Breidenbach is the Executive Director of the Spiritual Orphans Network, and his wife Angela is the Director of Operations and Youth Education for the Ministry. They are putting together ministry teams right now for short-term mission trips to each of these countries. Contact David or Angela through their website at https://sonetwork.org/.

John Moore Associates Certified Financial Planner Brian Cochran reviews the benefits of the new stimulus package approved by Congress this week. Washington has also increased the child tax credit for families with children in the household. “This credit is 100% refundable. You can reduce your overall tax liability and get a check back from the government if your tax credit exceeds your tax liability,” Brian said. For more information about these topics and the investment markets, go to https://www.johnmoore.com/.

Nourished Nutrition Counselor Jennifer Bryant, RDN, CDE, has a unique client-based practice. Clients determine their level of commitment, success, and reward with her guidance (RDN). The Nourished Nutrition program focuses on nutrition and considers activity, life balance, mindfulness, spiritual life, and goals with rewards. Clients will gain a sense of empowerment and success in their health goals, with improved nutrition being the foundation of their success. Jennifer also provides FREE access to her weekly FOOD AND FAITH TO FUEL YOUR HEALTH newsletter through her website https://nourishednutritioncounseling.com/. You may also download delicious healthy recipes to assist you in planning family meals. Jennifer says, “Food should be fun!” 

Joni and Friends‘ vision is to see a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Sandi is the New Mexico Area Director. She is joined on this episode by Debbie Faculjak (Fa-su-liac), serving as an International Board Member. Her husband Paul is a former Area Director and is now a volunteer with the ministry.

March is Wheels for the World and Wheelchair Collection Month for Joni and Friends. The ministry collects wheelchairs, refurbishes the equipment, and then distributes these life-changing “wheels” to people in need around the world. To support Joni and Friends, call 505-835-5263 or reach them on the web at https://www.joniandfriends.org/new-mexico.

“Go out quickly…and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame…so that my house will be full.” Luke 14:21-23

Holly Slade is the Founder of Feed New Mexico Kids (FNMK). Each week snack packs are put together by volunteers containing specific food items for children suffering from hunger. The Snack packs are then delivered to APS schools and distributed by teachers, principals, nurses, and counselors each Friday for children to take home and eat over the weekend. If you would like to support Feed New Mexico Kids, please contact Holly through their website at https://feednmkids.com/. Holly said, “With help, we can ensure each child has food to eat on the weekends.”

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is a nonpartisan voice for business owners, employees, and individuals in New Mexico. Created and staffed by native New Mexicans. Founder and President Carla Sonntag said, “We have lost over 2000 businesses and 60,000 jobs. I believe our state can do much better than current national ratings reflect.” Take a look at the “Calls to Action” tab at https://nmbizcoalition.org/calls-to-action/.