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Calvary College is now offering three of their most engaging and sought-after classes on the Calvary campus!

Monday: Theology I (BA and MA level) with Nelson Walker

Tuesday: Church History (BA and MA level) with Brian Nixon

Thursday: Worldview Apologetics (BA and MA level) with Nelson Walker

Classes are from 6:30 to 9:30 pm in the HUB H4. Seventeen, fantastic online courses are also available. Register online at Calvary College. Katherine Gardner is the Calvary College Administrator. She believes her studies have strengthened her faith and family. Dr. Nelson Walker Directs the Mission of Calvary College.  For more information, go to https://calvaryabq.college/.

Men can register now for the Promise Keepers Virtual Experience July 31 and August 1, 2020.  Registration is free for this streaming event encouraging men from all over the world. NM Men Of Honor Chairman, Dennis Poper, and Promise Keepers President, Judge Vance Day, join the program today along with National Prayer Coordinator, Dai Sup Han. For more information about the event, go to https://promisekeepers.org/.

Across Nations Ministries, is Directed by Chuck and Cindy Harper. Their ministry reaches people living throughout the Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni Nations in Arizona and New Mexico. Across Nations is preparing to build a 2,480 square foot Media Center, using three recycled shipping containers to house three radio stations.  The shipping containers will be pre-built in three separate locations by volunteer laborers.  Faith Church in Rio Rancho is one of these locations. When the sections are ready, they will be set on a permanent foundation in Tse, Bonito, New Mexico. The roof and HVAC will be added on-site to complete the construction. 


The new Media Center will house the radio stations, bringing Christian Native American language programming to the Nations. Chuck and Cindy tell us about the innovative project and appeal to our listeners to help with the construction.  They also need help with funding the project. For more information, go to http://www.acrossnations.cc/.

When I asked Brian Cochran about investing vs. speculation in the stock market, he said, “What we see with speculation is it becomes much less about a specific goal or a specific timeline, but it becomes more about getting rich quick. So you are taking on maybe the increased odds of either a very high gain or a potentially significant loss, which makes it start to look more like gambling on the surface.”

Brian is a Certified Financial Planner with John Moore Associates. Click on the links for insights about investing.

Brian is a family man. Part of his council, to us, is to encourage married couples. Today he suggests a “money date.” He also recommends Shaunti Feldhahn’s book, “Thriving in Love and Money.”

Paul Gessing said, “11 counties in New Mexico have not had a single death related to the COVID-19 pandemic.” Paul is the President of the Rio Grande Foundation. These are some of the topics we talked about on today’s show!

“I think the riots in the streets, burning down public buildings, and tearing down public statues is bringing conservative Democrats and Republicans together,” said Congressman Steve Pearce. He is the Chairman of the New Mexico Republican Party. Steve served as a U.S. Representative for New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District from 2003-2009 and from 2011 to 2019. These are just some of the topics we cover with the Congressman on today’s show:

  • National Association of Police Organizations endorses Donald Trump.
  • The New Mexico Supreme Court will hear the Republican Parties’ case against business fines imposed by the Governor on August 4, 2020 (Many Democrats are supporting this action).
  • Reaction to the Governor’s Public Health Order to close interior dining in restaurants
  • The balance between operating a business safely during COVID-19, and the possible health consequences
  • Transparency from the Governor’s Office


An unplanned pregnancy can is often complicated by intense emotions and even panic! Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque is ready to provide FREE, practical help to women, and their families during this time. According to Stephanie Luke, Executive Director of Care Net Pregnancy Centers of Albuquerque. Care Net provides free pregnancy testing, pregnancy ultrasound, options counseling, material assistance, parenting classes (fathers are welcome), free STD testing, and much more.

Julie Winkler is the Medical Mobile Unit (MMU) Director for Care Net. She is looking for volunteers for the MMU Compassion Crew. This weekend Care Net will be training volunteers at their Albuquerque facility located at 9809 Candelaria Rd. NE, Suite 1-C. Training starts at 10:00 am through 2:00 pm (lunch provided).

Laurie Duffy is the Community Outreach Director for Care Net. She is available to give presentations to Church groups, civic groups, and business people that want to know more about the ministry of Care Net. This year they are hosting their first virtual “Walk for Life” to raise money for the organization.  Click on the links for information.

I KNOW the Bible is true and reliable,” says Dr. Steven Collins. “Archeology helps us to trust the Bible for the past,” according to Dr. Gary Byers. He states, “Trust it for history, trust it for eternity.” Archeology is uncovering new evidence every year that supports the historicity of the Bible. Please support these efforts with a gift, and find out how you can volunteer on the excavation site at Tall el-Hammam www.digsodom.com.

Dr. Collins is the Chief Archaeologist, Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, Jordan – The site of the historic Sodom in the Jordan Valley. He is also the Director of the Ph.D. Program of Archaeology & Biblical History, Veritas International University. Dr. Byers is the Dean of the College of Archaeology & Biblical History for Trinity Southwest University; Assistant Director Tall el-Hammam Excavation and the Shiloh Excavation, Israel.

Click on the links for more information!