Lindsay Warner and Lauren Maddock are Co-Artistic Directors of Christmas Joy, a production presented by Magnify Dance Ensemble Christmas Joy Celebrates the Birth of Jesus expressed in ballet form. The show is a beautiful, emotional, and spiritually uplifting experience. Three shows are offered this year...

Today, Jim Williams is joined by author and musician Brian Nixon as well as engineer and musician Stefan Merkel.  Stefan is the owner of Selah Music studios based in Albuquerque. Together, Brian and Stefan have created a New Mexico Music Awards Finalist Composition for best Jazz...

In this episode, Chip Lusko interviews Paul Clark, a musician who was an influential figure in the early days of the Jesus Revolution. They discuss Paul's experiences with the Jesus Revolution, the need for revival today, and the end times....

Dr. Brian Nixon loves the beauty of God's creation. He is also fascinated by how other artists observe and interpret beauty. Living in New Mexico, he and his wife Melanie make frequent trips to The City of Holy Faith (Santa Fe) to enjoy the rich...

Theopoetics is "the poetry of God," Brian Nixon said. He is working on a new book set to be released in the summer of 2021 called "Beauty and the Banana: A Theopoetic Aesthetic." Brian oversees Education and Publishing, serving as an Assistant Pastor with Calvary...

Dr. Brian Nixon said, “There are amazing works, for example, in classical music and jazz that have a level of excellence, a level of truth to them, that make them in some respects more Christian than just planting the name Jesus on a lyric. There...