Emily Spare is the Director of the art program at Hope Christian School. Middle and high school students at Hope display their artwork each year at the Hope Art Show. This year the display is available online at HopeChristianSchool.org. Students explore various mediums and materials...

Ethel is the Director of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. On a daily basis, she fights to protect innocent human life from fertilization until natural death.  She always has an encouraging word to share with our listeners. She quotes St. Francis of...

Holly Slade is the Co-Owner of Dave Slade and Associates Realtors, and the Founder of Feed New Mexico Kids. The Motto of Feed New Mexico Kids is "TOGETHER WE CAN END CHILDHOOD HUNGER IN NEW MEXICO. " The ministry continues to work closely with the...

Dr. Peercy is the President of the Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) Board of Directors. Brian Alarid is the President of America Prays. The Albuquerque Public Schools is working to provide Resources for Learning at Home as our community fights the COVID-19 Corona Virus pandemic, https://www.aps.edu/news/coronavirus/at-home-educational-resources-for-families. The...

Britton Pruitt is the Director of Development for Albuquerque Christian Children’s Home (ACCH). They have their annual pancake breakfast fundraiser coming up on February 22, 2020, from 8:00, am to 11:00 am. ACCH is located at 5700 Winter Haven NW, Albuquerque, NM  87120. For more...