Over 3000 children per week in Albuquerque Public Schools alone are food insecure. Feed New Mexico Kids Founder Holly Slade talks with us about how, together, WE CAN FEED KIDS IN NEED THROUGHOUT NEW MEXICO! Caller, Wanda Golson, a volunteer with High Desert United Methodist ...

Levi Lusko is the Senior Pastor of Fresh Life Church based in Kalispell, Montana. His new book is a devotional for children called "Roar Like a Lion." https://www.roarlikealionbook.com/. He said, "What all need right now is Hope!  If we are grounded to heaven, with our...

The Reload Love Afghanistan Emergency Relief Campaign is underway. Lenya Heitzig is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Reload Love. She said, "They say when a kid is traumatized (by terror), there are three things you should do. Get them to safety, acknowledge what happened (listen...