08 Aug Jennifer Ward & Paula Gonzales
Paula Gonzales and Jennifer Ward of CareNet Pregnancy Centers of New Mexico join us to discuss the upcoming Walk for Life event....
Paula Gonzales and Jennifer Ward of CareNet Pregnancy Centers of New Mexico join us to discuss the upcoming Walk for Life event....
Mark Tross, alongside Erin and Camille Romero, is organizing the "Jesus Gathering" and "Prayer at the Heart of Bernalillo County" prayer event- a massive prayer gathering at Balloon Fiesta Park. They join us today to discuss the heart behind this event which aims to reach...
Travis Yoakum is the Associate Vice President of the New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranch. He joins us to talk about the work he is doing to help at-risk children in our community....
Nicole Tobiassen is a business coach working with ActionCOACH. She joins us today to discuss the practical advice that she gives to her clients to enable them to operate their businesses more effectively....
Jane Bickelman works with Pursonalities Plus, a nonprofit that provides purses filled with accessories for women in need. She joins us today to give some updates about her work....
Carla Sonntag of the New Mexico Business Coalition joins us to talk about developments in the State of New Mexico and an upcoming documentary film she was involved in producing....
Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block joins Jim Williams to talk about relevant local issues including criminal justice and attracting businesses to our communities in New Mexico....
Stephen Ashton is an adjunct professor at Clarks Summit University and Anchor Christian University, as well as the National Director of Marketing at Trail Life USA. He joins us today to talk about Trail Life and his desire to minister to young men. He also...
Paul Gessing of the Rio Grande Foundation joins us to talk about some recent state rankings and the policies that he believes would improve the State of New Mexico....
Mark Skalberg is the founder and director of "Starting Over on the Inside"- a ministry that aims to reach inmates with the gospel, help them prepare to leave prison, and lower recidivism rates. He joins Jim Williams today to give some information on this work....