Alex Horton is the founder of the International District Economic Development Center in Albuquerque.  He is a native New Mexican. The center gives the community access to the recourses they need to develop businesses and grow the job base in the International District. The center...

Travis is the Executive Director of the Steelbridge Transformation Center in Albuquerque. He is optimistic that our community can come together to deploy the resources God has provided to solve the problems people face because of life-altering trauma. Travis said, "Our community needs to come...

Shelley is the Director of the New Mexico Dream Center. The ministry provides services to survivors of human trafficking and youth experiencing homelessness. It is an agency that believes that every human life is valuable to God. Their mission is to restore the dreams of...

Steve Reimann is the Program Engineer for ABQ Connect. He helps review the plans for Easter Weekend at Calvary Church and the “asks” presented by our charity partners on ABQ Connect. Click on these links to listen to our latest interviews with Feed New Mexico...

Rio Grande Foundation President, Paul Gessing, reviews the 55th Legislative session from the perspective of liberty, prosperity, and opportunity for all New Mexicans. He also comments on education, the federal stimulus package, and challenges the New Mexico oil and gas industry will face under the...

The New Mexico Business Coalition (NMBC) is a nonpartisan voice for business owners, employees, and individuals in New Mexico. Created and staffed by native New Mexicans. Founder and President Carla Sonntag said, "We have lost over 2000 businesses and 60,000 jobs. I believe our state...

Buck Buckner is the owner of Rain Tunnel Car Spas in Albuquerque. In this episode, Buck encourages New Mexicans to "buy local." He reviews how the "externals" are affecting local businesses. The externals of COVID-19, the ART Project (Albuquerque Rapid Transit), politics, and the distribution...