Calvary New Harvest exists to honor and glorify God by obeying Jesus' command to make disciples of all people groups. They do this by preaching the word, cultivating community, and worshipping together. Pastor Jeremiah Brown joins us today. Calvary Chapel New Harvest (

Randy Mascorella is the Executive Director of Special Olympics New Mexico. In this episode, she shares her love for people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers. Listen as she describes how her heart has been changed by the people she is committed to encouraging. Her...

Paul Gessing became the first full-time President of the Rio Grande Foundation in March of 2006. Since joining the Foundation, Gessing has been a prominent voice for limited government and individual liberties in policy areas including: Constitutional liberties, taxes, health care, education, and transportation. Prior to...

Carla Sonntag is the President and CEO of the New Mexico Business Coalition (, and Better Together New Mexico  ( Since 2009, NMBC has been a nonpartisan, non-profit voice for businesses and all New Mexicans. BTNM promotes public policies based on the principles of less government, individual...

Jodi Hendricks of the New Mexico Family Action Movement joins us in studio today. The New Mexico Family Action Movement is an organization devoted to improving New Mexico by instilling values such as protecting and cherishing life from conception to natural end, safeguarding the family...