01 Sep DeeDee Jones and DeeDee Herzik
DeeDee Jones and DeeDee Herzik from Alongside Ministries join us to talk about the work that they are doing to support family values....
DeeDee Jones and DeeDee Herzik from Alongside Ministries join us to talk about the work that they are doing to support family values....
Ethel Maharg is a former mayor of Cuba, New Mexico, and the director of the Albuquerque Love Life organization. She joins us today to talk about the pro-life movement in Albuquerque and her goal to partner with churches in our community who desire to minister...
Paula Gonzales and Jennifer Ward of CareNet Pregnancy Centers of New Mexico join us to discuss the upcoming Walk for Life event....
Travis Yoakum is the Associate Vice President of the New Mexico Boys and Girls Ranch. He joins us to talk about the work he is doing to help at-risk children in our community....
Carla Sonntag of the New Mexico Business Coalition joins us to talk about developments in the State of New Mexico and an upcoming documentary film she was involved in producing....
School Secretary at Christ Lutheran School, Cresta Combs, joins us alongside Kimberly Rasmussen- Principal of the school- to talk about Christian education and how they are preparing for the upcoming semester....
Stephen Ashton is an adjunct professor at Clarks Summit University and Anchor Christian University, as well as the National Director of Marketing at Trail Life USA. He joins us today to talk about Trail Life and his desire to minister to young men. He also...
Paula Gonzales and Virginia Gonzales join us join us for an update on CareNet Pregnancy Centers of New Mexico....
Lenya Heitzig and Jennifer Santiago join us to give an update on Reload Love....
Terry and Mariasari Janow founded what is known as the "ABQ God's Talent" show- an opportunity for the youth of Albuquerque to showcase the gifts that God has given them. Today, they join us to talk about the upcoming fifth season of the show and...