Pastor and Author Clarence Washington Sr. has just released the fifth volume in his book series Hijacked: How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare--The Demonic. The book addresses the spiritual warfare influencing the leadership of our country in ways our political and leaders may not...

A Peaceful Habitation aims to love and mentor participants in Christian principles that will empower, encourage and enlighten women in transition from incarceration to their families and communities in New Mexico. Coming from a poor family and surviving many “bad choices” concerning drugs and other illegal...

Glenn is a licensed family therapist who’s been on the Focus counseling team for 23 years. Prior to joining Focus, he spent time in church counseling and pastoral ministry. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have three young adult children. He joins us today for a Focus...

Bobby Solomon is the Founder and President of Mentor Me Ministries.  You can listen to the Mentor ME broadcast every Sunday at 3:20 on 88.3 KLYT ( Bobby has dedicated his life to restoring and encouraging boys without fathers. In this interview he shares his...

John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...

Calvary New Harvest exists to honor and glorify God by obeying Jesus' command to make disciples of all people groups. They do this by preaching the word, cultivating community, and worshipping together. Pastor Jeremiah Brown joins us today. Calvary Chapel New Harvest (

John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...