Over 3000 children per week in Albuquerque Public Schools alone are food insecure. Feed New Mexico Kids Founder Holly Slade talks with us about how, together, WE CAN FEED KIDS IN NEED THROUGHOUT NEW MEXICO! Caller, Wanda Golson, a volunteer with High Desert United Methodist ...

Jennifer Bryant is a Certified Nutritionist Dietician and the Owner of Nourished Nutrition Counseling. The purpose of food is the topic of our conversation in this episode. Jennifer said, "We eat for every reason. We eat when we are happy. We eat when we are...

Nourished Nutrition Counseling is a business owned by Nutritionist Jennifer Bryant. She offers a free newsletter called Food and Faith to Fuel your Health. Each week subscribers receive an emailed newsletter that takes a deeper look at what the Bible has to say about nourishing...

Holly Slade is the Founder of Feed New Mexico Kids. She said, "The ministry provided over 87,000 snack packs to help children in the last year." Snack packs are put together by volunteers containing specific food items for children suffering from hunger. Snack packs are...

Jennifer is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). She is also a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). She started Nourished Nutrition Counseling because she believes that good nutrition can truly change a person's life. Jennifer said, "We will teach you the tools to be successful long-term without...

Dustin is the Ministry Coordinator for Feed NM Kids and Homeless Outreach for Legacy Church. Thousands of children in New Mexico do not have food on the weekends. Working with schools in Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, and Moriarity the past year, Dustin said, "The teachers have...

Nourished Nutrition Counselor Jennifer Bryant, RDN, CDE, has a unique client-based practice. Clients determine their level of commitment, success, and reward with her guidance (RDN). The Nourished Nutrition program focuses on nutrition and considers activity, life balance, mindfulness, spiritual life, and goals with rewards. Clients...