John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...

Lisa Anderson is director of young adults for Focus on the Family, the world’s leading Christian organization dedicated to helping families thrive. She manages Boundless, Focus’ ministry for young adults, with the goal of helping 20- and 30-somethings grow up, own their faith, date with purpose...

Calvary Church is hosting this nine-week course, which includes commentary from notable pastors, constitutional experts, historians, and others. Each week, we take a journey through the Bible and American history to rediscover the secrets that produce a prosperous society when biblical principles are applied.   Event Details...

John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...

Pastor and Author Clarence Washington Sr. has just released the fifth volume in his book series Hijacked: How Dr. King’s Dream Became a Nightmare--The Demonic. The book addresses the spiritual warfare influencing the leadership of our country in ways our political and leaders may not...