Serenity Mesa Recovery Center is a sober living facility located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for adolescents and young adults who are struggling with addiction. They provide a continuum of care by offering long-term living for residents who have completed a detox program and are ready...

John Jones is the President and CEO of LifeQuest USA. The ministry is mentoring a future and a hope to help New Mexico youth overcome their past challenges and build resilience for the future. John is a man that God grew even through drug and...

Josh Jaramillo's family founded "Expect a Miracle"- a ministry aimed at helping those living lifestyles that have robbed them of joy, freedom, and autonomy. Today, he joins us to talk about this ministry and to share some stories about lives that have been changed through...

Steelbridge Ministries in Albuquerque, New Mexico continues to reach out to at-risk men and women in the community and watch live be transformed. Executive Director, Shane Rabindranath, and Development Director, Gail Holien, let us know what's been happening and what is on the way....