Paul Gessing

Rio Grande Foundation President Paul Gessing covers the following talking points for us: (Click on the links for more information)

  1. Biden’s vaccine mandate Executive Order, but what about unemployed and others on government benefits?
  2. New Mexico’s gusher of oil and gas money provides an estimated $8.8 billion for next year while some legislators still want to raise taxes:
  3. What can we expect from the Legislature?
  4. Kids in masks, Biden Administration, coordinated/led pressure campaign on current policy despite abject lack of science.
  5. New Mexico’s lost school year will decrease the post-educational earning potential of children from the poorest communities by 25%:
  6. A CDC study found masking kids in schools to be ineffective.
  7. The public funding system for mayoral campaigns turns out to be an easily politically-manipulated debacle;
  8. Elections are looming this fall. School board/city council/mayor’s race.
  9. OAK NM surveys on public school candidates; Corey De’Angelis on education reform Monday, September 20 at Albuquerque Museum:
  10. Plenty of questions still on United Soccer Stadium:
  11. More delays at Spaceport America with the FAA had put an “indefinite pause” on launches:

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