Kathy & Scott Thom


Kathy and Scott Thom are our guests for this episode of ABQ Connect. Four Pastors wives have come together to encourage women in ministry. On Saturday June 8, 2024 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm, women in ministry are invited to attend the first “In Due Season-An Event for Women in Ministry, and a special day of encouragement. The event will be held at Cross Christian Fellowship located at 6721 Edith Blvd NE. Suite B in Albuquerque. The cost is $40 per person or $70 for two. Registration includes breakfast and lunch! Register at Events | Cross Christian Fellowship (crossfellowship.org). The event is being hosted by Sonia Montoya with Calvary Southwest Calvary Southwest, Kim Baca-David with Sunshine Church in Belen https://sunshinenm.org/, Terry Barela with Bosque Farms Calvary Chapel Light of the World Church | Calvary Church Light of the World | Bosque Farms (calvarylotw.org), and Kathy Thom with Cross Christian Fellowship https://crossfellowship.org.


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