Science continues to discover new data that confirms the historical descriptions made by the Bible. Ray Mondragon is a Bible Teacher and Creation Science Apologist. Today, he reviews the most recent scientific evidence for a young earth. Take a look at the following websites for...

Have you ever considered that the earth could be less than 12,000 years old instead of the generally accepted age of 4.5 billion years?  Creation Scientist, Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. Physics and Creation Science and Bible teacher, Ray Mondragon, provide this link,  to give us...

When Mount St. Helen exploded on May 18, 1980, most scientists did not think the event might provide scientific evidence for a young earth.  Bible teacher and Creation Scientist, Ray Mondragon, challenges our listeners to check out the evidence for themselves. Ray has an extensive...

"What archeology does is provide the physical 3-dimensional material culture realty to the Bible stories," said Dr. Steven Collins.  When it comes to interpreting archeological scientific data, "A Biblical world view changes everything," according to Dr. Gary Byers. Dr. Collins is the Director of Archeology and...

"Virgin Galactic is ready to revolutionize the way people travel," according to Public Relations Coordinator for the New Mexico Spaceport Authority, Alice Carruth. The opportunity for regular citizens to travel into space is a vision dreamed about by generations. The dream is now close to...

The volcanic explosions and pyroclastic flow at Mount St. Helens, Washington, in 1980 are an illustration of how a catastrophic geological event can quickly lay down layers of rock similar to those found in the geologic column all over the world, according to Creation Science...