John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...

When it comes to planning and paying for your children’s college education there is a lot to consider from scholarships, grants, student loans, work study, and old fashion cash from savings. Join Jim Williams with Certified Financial Planner, Brian Cochran as he reviews the available...

Robyn Chambers oversees Focus’ Sanctity of Human Life and Foster Care and Adoption efforts through the following programs: Wait No More, which prepares hearts and homes for kids in foster care and Option Ultrasound, which provides ultrasound machines and sonography training to qualified pro-life medical clinics in...

John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...

John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. Brian Cochran...

John Moore Associates helps clients plan their finances according to biblical principles. They bring a servant’s heart to all they do, with caring, attentive, proactive, and responsive service to their clients and colleagues. They consistently find real solutions to clients’ challenges to optimize stewardship. He joins...