05 Oct David & Carol Beth Stewart
David and Carol Beth Stewart of Black Bear Medicare join us to discuss insurance. They summarize the work that they do and give advice about medicare....
David and Carol Beth Stewart of Black Bear Medicare join us to discuss insurance. They summarize the work that they do and give advice about medicare....
Emberson Collins from Focus on the Family joins us today to talk about Take Your Bible to School Day. He shares insights on how kids can influence their peers for Jesus....
DeeDee Jones and DeeDee Herzik from Alongside Ministries join us to talk about the work that they are doing to support family values....
Brian Cochran of John Moore Associates joins us for his weekly financial update....
Selina Blake, Erin DeKeno, and Dominique Wingert join us today to give some information on the upcoming CAPE convention and the various ways families can get involved- whether as attendees or as volunteers....
Brian Cochran of John Moore Associates joins us for his weekly financial update....
David Jones- President of CAPE (Christian Association of Parent Educators) New Mexico- and Dominique Wingerd- Outreach Social Media Coordinator for CAPE- join us to talk about the upcoming CAPE Homeschooling Convention....
Mindy Brouse is the director of the Integrated Homeschool Co-Op. She joins us today to share some pointers to homeschooling parents and to provide some information on the next semester of classes that the co-op will be facilitating....
Brian Cochran of John Moore Associates gives some financial advice related to taxes and informs our listeners on some steps they can take to prepare well in advance for next year's tax season....
Raywinn Espathia and Eric Shoan of the Salvation Army join us for National Salvation Army Week to talk about some upcoming Salvation Army events and to update us on the work Salvation Army is doing in New Mexico!...